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发表于 2023-2-24 22:50:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

(318):写作题(11)  交际用语(77)  词汇与语法(186)(单选) (15)  阅读理解(判断) (12)  阅读填空题(17)

交际用语(77)--   (微信搜:fgdd2022)
1 、—0K,I'll fix your computer right now.—Oh,take your time,  () -->(I'minnohurrybr)
2 、—3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations.—  () Maybe its functions are questionable.-->(Really?br)
3 、—According to a report of what holidays in the future might look like,a trip to the Moon or a stay in space will be the most                      mouthwatering destination for 2024 holidaymakers.—  () ,especially for thrill-seeking travelers like me.-->(Spectacularbr)
4、—Are you good at Building Materials,Rose?— () .But I will try to study it well this term.-->(Notverygoodbr)
6、—Can I help you,sir?—I'd like to have 100 () .I want my students to draw pictures.-->(pieces of paperbr)
7 、 —Can you tell me something about your new product?
C. Can I help you, sir?
8 、—Cheer up and pay more attention to your colleagues and things will be much better.—  () .
B. Thank you very much.
9 、—Could you give methe brochure for that machine? Yes, here you are.
10 、—Could you give methe brochure for that machine?—  () -->(Yes,here you are.br)
11 、—Could you please tell me something about the two  () ?—         () .They are exchange students of No. 1 Middle School.-->(Germans;All rightbr)
12 、 —Diana, do you eat apple every day?—  ()
A. No, sometimes I'd have a boiled egg.
13、—Do you eat porridge every day— () -->(No,sometimes I'd have
a cup of soybean milk,a boiled egg and a steamed bun for my
14 、—Do you enjoy your present job—  () I just do it for a living.-->(Not really.br)
15 、—Do you like that technology exhibition?—Yes,I like it very much.  () .-->(It shows me the impressive magic power of 3D      printing.br)
16、—Do you mind my using my mobile phone here?— () .-->(No,of course notbr)
17、—Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer— ()-->(I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one.br)
18 、—Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women—         () .-->(Yes ,absolutely.Because women pay more attention to
19 、—Excuse me, is this the right direction for the National Arts
Museum?—  ()
C. You can take a taxi.
20 、—Excuse me,how far is the airport from here—  () -->(It's about thirty miles.br)
21 、—Good morning,Jeff.Would you mind going to get me a cup of   coffee at the Starbucks?— () -->(No problem! You want the usual?br)
22 、—Good morning,welcome to our booth.What can I do for you—         () -->(I’m looking for a present.br)
23 、—Good morning,Jeff.Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffee at the Starbucks?—  () .
B. No problen!You want the usual?
24 、—Good morning,welcome to our booth.What can I do for you?
C I'm looking for a present.
25 、—Goodbye,everyone.  () —Bye,Sally! Don't forget to
write.-->(Stay in touchbr)
26 、—Haven't seen you for ages,Mike.  () —Pretty good.Everything goes well.-->(How's it going? br)
27 、—Hello,I'm Harry Potter.—Glad to meet you.I'm Miller.But         () .-->(callmePaul.br)
28 、How about getting together for a cartoon movie tonight? () what's playing tonight?
29 、—How about having a drink—  () -->(GoodideA.br)
30 、—How are you?—  () -->(Fine,thanksbr)
31 、—How do you like Anne Hathaway—  () .-->(Sheisamazingbr)
32 How do you like Vivian Leigh?—  ()C.Sheisamazing.
33 、—How is your business going?-->(Good,it's growingallthe time.br)
34 I apologize for the terrible mistake I made yesterday.   ()
35 、—I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day.—Oh great!  () -->(Keepitup.br)
36 、—I have a scar on my face,so I’ve make up my mind to have a plastic surgery.—  () .-->(GoodideA.br)
37 、—I think the other reason can be identified from the                      industrialization of food production.—  () .Some illegal traders care about nothing but making money.-->(Yes,youbetbr)
38 I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Browngave me an
A.   () .
B. Congratulations!
39、—I wonder if Icould use your tablet tonight— () .I’m not using it right now.-->(Sure,hereyouare.br)
40、I' ll be free from 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. Do you think it's convenient for you?—  ()
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