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国开学习网电大人文英语1单元自测8 Unit8 Self-test答案









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发表于 2021-9-10 15:37:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
— It's dark brown.
: How about his weight?
; Is he a tall guy?
; What color is his hair?"

— Less than 50 miles per hour.
: How fast were you driving?
; Were you driving north?
; How was the road?"
"题目:—Did you see the car before it hit you?

: No, I didn't.
; There was no car.
; Yes, I didn't see it."
"题目:—How about his weight?

: He's big.
; Medium, maybe a bit on the heavy side.
; He's tall."
"题目:—Which direction were you heading?

: No direction.
; I was heading from east to west.
; I won't answer you."
"题目:He gave no _______ of being a suspect.
: accident
; incident
; indication"
"题目:Kids must __________ when they walk to school.
: on guard
; be on their guard
; on their guard"
"题目:The case happened _________ Tuesday afternoon.
: in
; on
; at"
"题目:The firefighters are going to ______________ the cause of the fire.
: look into
; look up
; look down"
"题目:The girl _____________ the case to the staff when her parents arrived.
: was reporting
; reported
; were reporting"
"题目:The gunman stood ____________ the theatre and shoot at the audience inside.
: at the front of
; in front of
; on front of"
"题目:The police saw him _________ on the ground when they arrived.
: to lie
; lay
; lying"
"题目:The schools informed the parents _____ the case immediately.
: in
; to
; of"
"题目:The traffic accident _________ three days ago.
: was happened
; took place
; was occurred"
"题目:They often saw me ____________.
: in and about
; about and out
; out and about"




_James is reporting the car accident to the police on the spot._

POLICE: Can you tell me what happened here?

JAMES: Yes. I had a bad {too fast; traffic accident; coming from; driving; check on}. Look, my car looks like a squashed Coke can.

POLICE: Did you see the car before it hit you?

JAMES: No, I didn't. That car was {too fast; traffic accident; coming from; driving; check on}.

POLICE: Which lane were you in?

JAMES: I don't remember.

POLICE: How fast were you {too fast; traffic accident; coming from; driving; check on} then?

JAMES: Less than 30 miles per hour.

POLICE: Which direction were you {too fast; traffic accident; coming from; driving; check on}? And which direction were you heading?

JAMES: I was heading from east to west.

POLICE: OK, please move your car off to the side of the road. We will {too fast; traffic accident; coming from; driving; check on} it. Do you feel like you need an ambulance, sir?

JAMES: No, I didn't get hurt. Thanks for your concern.

POLICE: No problem, sir."


LOS ANGELES, July 20 (Xinhua) -- A masked gunman released tear gas and opened fire into a crowded movie theater in a suburb of Denver early Friday, killing 12 people and injuring at least 50 others, police said.

Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates told reporters that the shooter, aged 24, had been arrested in the parking lot behind the theater.

The FBI said there was so far no indication of any links to terror groups.

Some moviegoers said they thought the attack was part of the show when they saw a person appearing at the front of the theater during the movie, pointing a gun at the crowd.

Police and firefighters rushed to the mall shortly after the shootings occurred at around 12:30 a.m. local time (0630 GMT).

CNN reported at least 20 people were being treated for gunshot wounds in hospital, three of them in serious condition.

1. In the shooting, 50 people were killed and 12 people were injured. {T; F}
2. The shooter was arrested.{T; F}

3. The FBI said that the shooter was from the terror groups. {T; F}

4. The moviegoers didn’t realize the person would shoot at the crowd at first. {T; F}

5. Only the police went to the mall to help. {T; F}"


Sank police were investigating a possible child luring case near a primary school.

It happened on Tuesday afternoon, during the lunch hour. Mary, a student of John Lake School was approached by two men in a black van. She refused and ran away. When she arrived at school, she reported it to the school staff.

The schools and the police took it seriously. The schools wrote a letter to parents immediately, informing them of the case and making safety suggestions. Police are looking into the matter.

Police responded to the case as soon as they received the report. "It's a matter of public safety," said the police spokesperson. "We want to make sure everybody, including kids, adults and people out and about are safe. So, we take this very seriously."

Police were making some safety suggestions for the students. Police asked students to always be on their guard when walking to school. Kids were encouraged to walk in pairs and walk in the daylight where it's well lit. One of the police officer said, "… Students should try to walk where there are people around, and always let somebody, your family or friends, know where you are going."


1. The two men in the black van {A; B; C}.

A. knew Mary     B. was the school staff   C. probably wanted to lure Mary

2. Mary is probably a {A; B; C} school student.

A. kindergarten(幼儿园)    B. primary       C. middle

3. {A; B; C} too the case seriously.

A. The schools    B. The police     C. Both of the above

4. In order to be safe when going to school, kids should {A; B; C}

A. go to school on their own   B. take self-defense sprayers(自卫喷雾器)    C. not tell anyone where they’re going

5. This case indicated that {A; B; C} should pay attention to the safety problems.

A. the public     B. the parents     C. only school kids"

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