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国开学习网电大人文英语1单元自测6 Unit6 Self-test答案









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发表于 2021-9-10 15:30:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
"题目:—Are you ready to take a ride in my new sports car?

—                      .
: I don't like your sports car.
; Yes, I'd love to.
; No, I won't."
"题目:—Ok, I'll drink my last can of beer when I drive home.

: Have fun.
; I'll drink too.
; No way. You'll be stopped by the police."
"题目:—Seat belts save lives.

: I won't put on my seat belt.
; I will put on my seat belt.
; It's true. I agree."
"题目:—Though I have been drinking, I can drive home safely.

—No, I will be the driver.
: When you drink, you can't drive.
; You walk home.
; You can keep drinking."
"题目:—Why did you stop my car, police officer?

—You just ran a red light.
: Your driver's license please.
; I just want to.
; No why."
"题目:Don't forget to ___________ your seat belt when you're driving.
: put up
; put off
; put on"
"题目:He ______ in jail because he broke the traffic law last night.
: was put
; drank
; was drinking"
"题目:He suggested that the drunk driver _________.
: be punished
; to be punished
; punished"
"题目:John ________ three bottles of beer just now, so he can't drive himself home now.
: does drink
; did drink
; do drink"
"题目:The _________ driver was seriously hurt in the traffic accident.
: 40-years-old
; 40-year-old
; 40 year old"
"题目:The __________ were shocked to see the workers pulling the car along the street.
: passers-by
; passer-bys
; passers-bys"
"题目:The couple was _________ that they could not drive home.
: so drunk
; too drunk
; drunk enough"
"题目:The police asked the driver to __________ the car to have an alcohol test.
: pull over
; pull out
;  pull on"
"题目:You'd better ____________ the car because you are drunk.
:  let me drive
; let me to drive
; to let me drive"

1. He has drunk too much to drive home safely. {A; B; C}
A. 他喝了太多酒去安全开车回家。

B. 他喝了太多酒以致不能安全地开车回家。

C. 他喝了太多酒也能安全开车回家。

2. He drank some Red Bull in order to stay sober enough to drive. {A; B; C}

A. 他喝红牛是为了能保持冷静开车。

B. 他喝点红酒是为了认得路回家。

C. 他喝红牛是为了能足够清醒开车。

3. Drunk driving is a dangerous offence. {A; B; C}

A. 醉驾是一种危险的攻击。

B. 醉驾是一种危险的罪行。

C. 酒驾是一种危险的冒犯。

4. Those who break the traffic law should be punished. {A; B; C}

A. 那些违反交通法的人应该受到惩罚。

B. 那些打破交通工具的人应该受到惩罚。

C. 那些人因为受惩罚了而违反交通法。

5. He is facing a heavy fine because of running the red light. {A; B; C}

A. 他因为冲红灯而觉得很好。

B. 他冲了红灯而脸上也还很好。

C. 他因为冲红灯而面受大笔罚款。"


_Liu Hui and Bai Mei are discussing who will be a safer driver after a party._

BAI MEI: Are you ready to take a _____ in my new sports car?

LIU HUI: Yes, but you have been _____ beer, so you'd better let me drive.

BAI MEI: OK, I guess I will trust you. You seem to know what you are talking about. You sure do know the law.

LIU HUI: Get in the car. Don't forget to put on your seat belt.

BAI MEI: Do I have to? It is a hassle.

LIU HUI: Seat belts save _____, and it is the law. There can be no exceptions. It is better to be safe than sorry.

BAI MEI: I agree. When you are around, I just feel _____. You are a real gentleman.

LIU HUI: I am glad to hear that. Now, my beautiful passenger, where shall I drive you? To a romantic forest? A beautiful mountain? Or just to my house for wine and dancing?

BAI MEI: I just need you to drive me _____ to my house. Thanks!

LIU HUI: Sometimes it is hard to be a gentleman."


Joan has been charged with a misdemeanor by asking her 13-year-old son to drive, putting her child in a dangerous situation. It was Joan's 32nd birthday, so she decided to go out for dinner with her 35-year-old boyfriend, Donald, as well as her 13-year-old son, Mike. Joan was so happy that she drank two bottles of wine with her boyfriend. When it was time to go home, both Joan and Donald were too drunk to drive. They knew it clearly that both of them couldn't drive home safely after that much wine, so they sat in the back seat and asked Mike, Joan's 13-year-old son, to drive the 2008 Land Rover.

Being a driver for the first time in his life, Mike could receive no help from his mom or Donald. They were too drunk to tell him clearly what to do. He started the car nervously, but when he realized he couldn't control the car at all, he was scared and depressed. He decided to stop the car and refuse to drive any further. He called the police for help. When the police arrived, they found the car was stopped right in the middle of the street.


1. Joan has been charged with driving after drinking.{T; F}

2. Mike was 35 years old.{T; F}

3. Joan and Donald were both too drunk to drive.{T; F}

4. It was the first time for Mike to drive.{T; F}

5. The police stopped Mike in the middle of the street.{T; F}"


Drunk driving(醉驾) has become a serious problem in China. According to the Ministry of Public Security(公安部), the police caught more than half a million drunk drivers in 2010. On the night of May 9, 2011, musician Gao Xiaosong ran his car into three other cars in Beijing because he drank too much{A; B; C}. He was {A; B; C} under China's new drunk driving law that came into use on May 1, 2011.

The new law sees drunk driving as a {A; B; C}. In the west, drunk driving is also a crime. In the US, for example, if the police catch a drunk driver, the driver will pay a {A; B; C}, lose his or her {A; B; C} and even go to prison(监狱). If the driver wants to drive again, he or she has to do public service, and take part in educational programs.

You may think: drunk driving is crime? Isn't this law too unkind? But experts say: not at all. They think it is to protect people's tights to life and health. Drunk driving is very dangerous!

1. A. water                          B. wine                        C. juice

2. A. punished                     B. punishes                  C. punishing

3. A. problem                      B. crime                       C. good behavior

4. A. well                            B. good                       C. fine

5. A. life                             B. job                          C. license"

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