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国开电大开放英语4阶段性综合评测1(Unit 24)答案









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发表于 2021-9-17 09:50:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
"题目: — What do you think of his suggestion?

— _________________.
: Sorry, I can’t remember her
; No, I don’t believe it
; It’s hard to say, actually
; I never think of him"
"题目: — What time is the next flight to Washington?

— _________________.
: It’s a smaller one  
; It’s 1: 45 pm
; It sounds good
;  It’s too late "
"题目:— Come to our house for a party, please.

— _________________.
: See you at four tomorrow
; Oh, thank you for your kindness
; I’m not busy
;  Here’s my address"
"题目:— I really enjoy pop music. What’s your favorite?

— _________________.
: Yes, I like pop music very much
; So did I     
; Well, actually I like classical music
; I don’t like pop music at all"
"题目:— Thank you for your invitation and the nice coffee.

— _________________.
: Yes, but the coffee was not very good
; My pleasure. I hope you’ll come again
; Don’t mention it. It was something small
; Don’t worry about it. It’s no trouble at all"
"题目:— What about another coffee?

— _________________.
: You’re so kind
; Yes, of course
; No, thank you
; Sorry for the trouble"
"题目:— What does this word mean, Joe?

— _________________.
: This word means Joe      
; Of course, I’m Joe
; Joe is a boy’s name
;  Sorry, I don’t know, either"
"题目:— Whose car is this?

— _________________.
: My uncle made it
; It’s my uncle’s
;  It’s my uncle
; It’s a Japanese car"
"题目:— You may have seen this film.

— _________________.
: You may have seen it too
; It was shown the next week
; Actually, I haven’t seen it yet
; It is said to cost much money"
"题目:When is your birthday?
: It’s not easy to remember it
; I was born in a small village
; I don’t know how to celebrate it
;  It’s on the 18th of March"

"题目: There are many ___ in China.
: women engineers
; females engineer
; females engineers
; woman engineers"
"题目:--Do you like coffee?

--Yes, but I like tea _______________.
: the better
; more
; the best
; better"
"题目:All kinds of vegetables ___________________ in the free market.
: is bought
; can be bought
; will buy
; can buy"
"题目:Betty is always interested__________________ space science. She wishes to fly in a spaceship one day.
: with
; in
; by
; at"
"题目:Certain measures should be taken to control environmental _________.
: polluting
; pollution
;  pollutant
; pollute"
"题目:Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, __________ people out of rural areas.
: drove
; drives
; driving
;  driven"
"题目:Cycling is a good exercise. ____, it doesn’t pollute the air.
: Therefore
; However
; But
; Moreover"
"题目:He  ____ lives here.
: not any longer
; not longer
;  no longer
; any longer "
"题目:He broke __ the candy and gave each child a small piece.
: off
; down
;  up
; out"
"题目:He is over fifty, but he looks as if he ____________ only in his thirties.
: has been
; will be
; is
; were"
"题目:He set off very late, and __________ did not catch the morning flight.
: therefore
; but
; however
; because"
"题目:He took ____ my job when I was on holiday.
: over
; on
; after
; off "
"题目:He wants to  ___ of the fine weather today to play tennis.
: take the advantage
; have advantage
; take an advantage
; take advantage"
"题目:I cannot tell the __________difference between the twins.
: slight
; slender
; simple
; single"
"题目:I shall go to the meeting tomorrow ___ I'm too busy.
: when
; until
; if
; unless"
"题目:I spent most of my money in the first week and ____ had very little for food at the end of the holiday.
: moreover
; since
; consequently
; however"
"题目:I think this sofa is ___ than that one.
: more costly
; costlier
; cost more
; expensiver "
"题目:Is there any reason ____________ you should go away?
: why
; where
; that
;  as"
"题目:It seems ____ that no one saw this crisis.
: uncredible
; uncredable
; incredible
; incredible"
"题目:It’s ____________ the driest summers we have ever known.
: one of
; of
; all
; both"
"题目:It’s no use ______________ with him.
: argue
; argued
; to argue
; (in) arguing       "
"题目:It’s one of the coolest springs we_________________.
: ever knew
; are knowing
; ever know
; have ever known"
"题目:She's ____ cancer (癌症) for two years.
: suffering from
; suffered
; suffering
; been suffering from"
"题目:Such changes can alter the social structure, _________ people to move.
: which leading
; which led      
; leads
; leading"
"题目:The hospital is carrying ____ tests to find out what's wrong with her.
: out
; over
; off
; away"
"题目:The population of the world is growing at a dangerous ________________.
: rate
; progress
; measure
; increase"
"题目:The weather in Kunming is better than __________ in Beijing.
: those
; that
; one
; this"
"题目:There are many cities _________________ very fast.
: expanding
; expands
; expand
; expanded"
"题目:These radio and TV networks have ___ in the UK.
: big listeners
; large watchers
; huge audiences
;  large viewers"
"题目:They were asked to avoid ______________ any water which had not been boiled.
: to drink
; not to be drunk
;  having
; drinking"
"题目:This is the dictionary ______________ I depend a lot whenever I have problems with new words.
: with which
; on which
; in which
; for which"
"题目:You have nothing to _________ by refusing to listen to our advice.
: win
; reach
; profit
; gain"
"题目:Young children soon _______________ words they hear their elders use.
: turn up
; pick up
; put forward
; look forward to"


Dealing with waste is a huge global problem. Unfortunately, many people don’t usually think much about what happens (1) _____ their old fridge when they update to the latest model. A few just dump it (2) _____ the street without another thought.

As a result, Britain currently has over a million old fridges (3) _____  in dumps in fields and in warehouses because the country does not have enough equipment to dispose (4) _____  them. New European Union regulations say that from 1 January 2002, all material that depletes the ozone layer, such as CFC coolants, (5) _____  from fridges before they are put in landfill sites. It is (6) _____  to take quite a while to solve the problem.

But it is not only fridges (7) _____  are difficult to get rid of. What about old computers, TVs and other hi-tech junk? For example, Guangdong Province, in the southeast of China, has been suffering from problems (8)_____ by imported waste electrical goods like computers. Workers there (9)_____  old computers to extract the recyclable parts like chips, and precious metals (10) _____  gold and platinum.

1.      A. at                            B. to                   C. of          D. on

2.      A. in                    B. at                   C. from     D. off

3.      A. rotted           B. rot                 C. rotten    D. rotting

4.      A. away             B. off                  C. of          D. at

5.      A. must remove                 B. must be removing

         C. must have removed              D. must be removed      

6.      A. liking             B. like                 C. likeness        D. likely

7.    A. that                        B. what    C. which   D. why

8.    A. causing                  B. cause         C. caused             D. has caused

9.      A. have broken up             B. have been breaking up

         C. have been broken up   D. are breaking up

10.   A. as                            B. like                 C. for                  D. than"

The world’s urban population, (1)_____at four times the rate of rural populations, will double in the period 1990 - 2025, to over five billion. Consequently, (2)_____of the people of the world will live in cities, some of (3)_____will be huge. Moreover, about 90% of the growth will be in developing countries. This growth, adding around 60 million people per year (4)_____city populations, will be mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa. The consequences are dramatic. This is change on a scale never before (5)_____, bringing with it considerable challenges and opportunities.

Why does this growth happen? Most of it results (6)_____internal migration rather than the international movement of people, and is caused by a variety of push and pull factors.

One push factor is due to pressure (7)_____land availability. Improved health brings population growth, causing people to move out of rural areas. Others move because of climate change or poor farming methods which often result in deforestation and flooding. Such changes can alter the social structure, leading people (8)_____ move.  Furthermore, civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas.

On the other hand, there are the pull factors. Cities attract people because of the demand (9)_____labour in the manufacturing and service industries. As a result, they offer a higher standard of living (10)_____the lucky ones. Cities also tend to offer greater personal freedom.

1     A. increase   B. increasing              C. increased        D. to increase

2.    A. two-three B. second-third   C. two-thirds            D. second-thirds

3.    A. which             B. that                 C. what               D. whom

4.    A. with         B. on                   C. to                           D. and

5.    A. experience      B. experienced           C. to experience  D. experiencing

6.    A. on            B. in                           C. to                           D. from

7.    A. at                    B. on                   C. for                   D. with

8.    A. move              B. to moving              C. to move          D. moved

9.    A. for           B. on                   C. with                D. at

10.  A. with         B. for                   C. on                   D. to"
"题目:Interviewer – Why is English so important?

David – Well, English is so important primarily because so many people speak it and use it, so it has now become the lingua franca in the world (1)_____  a way that we've never seen before.  We(2)_____  a world language of this kind before. So people are learning it not just to be able to communicate (3)_____ native speakers, but also with speakers of other languages around the world.

Interviewer – And why has it become that dominant language?

David – I think the reason (4)_____  that is actually very complicated, although in the twentieth century, we can just see that it's the rise of the US military and consumer power. I mean the technology, all the big developments in technology largely came from the US. So all of these developments actually (5)_____ within the English language, and people had to learn English in order to understand them, or to benefit (6)_____  them. The Internet is only one example of that kind. Once a language has (7)_____  that position of dominance, it's actually very difficult (8)_____ it.  So we could be seeing the emergence of other big languages in the world (9)_____  more important than they have been, like Spanish, but it's unlikely (10)_____ they're going to shift English from its position of dominance.

1.      A. on                  B. in          C. with               D. to

2.      A. never have                     B. never had

         C. have never had             D. had never had

3.      A. to                   B. in          C. with               D. and

4.      A. for                  B. to                   C. in          D. on

5.      A. produce        B. are produced       C. have produced     D. were produced

6.      A. for                  B. to                   C. from     D. with

7.      A. got into        B. got out of     C. got in   D. got out

8.    A. shifted         B. to shift             C. shifting      D. shift

9.    A. become        B. to become     C. becoming         D. became

10.    A. that               B. which   C. what    D.who"
"题目:There are over 80 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, (1)_____

collectively as ‘cetaceans’, throughout the world. They come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some facts and figures about these incredible animals.

The blue whale is (2)_____ animal on Earth. The average adult length is 25m for males and 26.2m for females, (3)_____ body weights of 90-120 tonnes.

Hector's dolphin is the world's shortest cetacean. They may be only 1.2m long when fully (4)_____ .

A blue whale eats up to 4 tonnes of krill daily. This is equivalent (5)_____  a fully grown African elephant every day.

The sperm whale (6)_____ dive deeper than any other cetacean. They have been known to dive as deep as 2000m.

One bowhead whale is reported to (7)_____  130 years old when it died.

The sperm whale has the world's heaviest brain (8)_____  can weigh up to 9.2kg. This compares (9)_____ the average 1.4kg for the brain of an adult human.

The _baiji _dolphin, or Chinese river dolphin, is the rarest dolphin in the world and is reported to be endangered. It lives in the Yangtze River in China. Conservation measures (10)_____ by the Chinese to save it.
1.      A. know    B. to know                 C. knowing                 D. known

2.      A. heavy and long                       B. the heaviest         and longest   

        C. the most heavy and long                 D. heavier and longer

3.      A. whose   B. with                   C. have              D. which

4.      A. grown  B. growing                 C. to grow                  D. grow

5.      A. to eat    B. about eating    C. to eating               D. as eating

6.      A. believed to          B. is believed to        C. was believed to   D. has believed to

7.      A. have been    B. be                            C. being             D. having been

8.      A. who               B. what             C. which            D. whom

9.    A. to                   B. as                            C. with                        D. for

10.   A. are taking    B. are taken              C. were taken           D. are being taken"

"题目:A Case Study: Desertification around the Gobi Desert


The GOBI Desert, in the north of China, is now seven times bigger than Britain. China has large desert areas and much of its agricultural land is being threatened by desertification, which is getting worse. In addition, soil erosion has led to a huge loss of farmland and the drying up of rivers. Consequently, the livelihoods of 35 million people are being threatened. Furthermore it is even affecting cities. The nearest sand dune is less than 100 miles from Beijing, where unpleasant sandstorms are becoming more frequent. The worse the situation, the more pressure there is on the government to take action.

The Causes

The reasons for the changes are complex. It is clear that pollution of the air and water by factories is affecting the environment. Trees and other vegetation die, and so soil is eroded. The more trees that die, the less water is held in the earth. The need for wood for fuel and buildings leads to further deforestation, which causes further soil erosion. Local farmers find it more and more difficult to make a living. They end up using inefficient farming methods, which again leads to soil erosion.

The Solutions

The Government is carrying out anti-desertification projects, including the creation of a forest belt around deserts. The tree-planting campaign, known as the Great Green Wall, is meant to protect Beijing from sandstorms. China hopes to control the expansion of desert land by the year 2010 and plans to establish a protected eco-system in desert areas by 2050.


1.According to this passage, the Gobi desert is  {A; B; C; D}.

A.as big as Britain

B.20% of the size of Britain

C.one seventh of the size of Britain

D.seven times bigger than Britain

2.The total desert area of China is {A; B; C; D}.



C.remaining constant

D.the largest of the world

3. {A; B; C; D} leads to soil erosion.

A.The growth of trees and other vegetation

B.The deforestation

C.The efficient farming methods

D.The pollution of some factories

4.The Chinese government is planting trees  {A; B; C; D}.

A.around deserts

B.around Beijing

C.around the border of China

D.all over China

5.The expansion of desert land  {A; B; C; D}.

A.won’t be controlled by 2010

B.will definitely be controlled by 2010

C.should be controlled after 2010

D.is expected to be controlled by 2010"

There are over 80 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, known collectively as “cetaceans”, throughout the world. They come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some facts and figures about these incredible animals.


The blue whale is the heaviest and longest animal on Earth. The average adult length is 25m for males and 26.2m for females, with body weights of 90-120 tonnes.


Hector’s dolphin is the world’s shortest cetacean. They may be only 1.2m long when fully grown.

3.Lagrest Appetite

A blue whale eats up to 4 tonnes of krill daily. This is equivalent to eating a fully grown African elephant every day.

4.Deepest Dive

The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean. They have been known to dive as deep as 2000m.

5.Longest Lived

One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old when it died.

6.Heaviest Brain

The sperm whale has the world’s heaviest brain which can weigh up to 9.2kg. This compares with the average 1.4kg for the brain of an adult human.

7.Most Endangered

The _baiji_ dolphin, or Chinese river dolphin, is the rarest dolphin in the world and is reported to be endangered. It lives in the Yangtze River in China. Conservation measures are being taken by the Chinese to save it.


1. This article is mainly about {A; B; C; D}.

A. the species of cetaceans

B. some special types of cetaceans

C. the age of different whales

D. the blue whale

2.{A; B; C; D} lives in the Yangtze River in China and is reported to be endangered.

A. The sperm whale

B. The blue whale

C. Hector’s dolphin

D. The baiji dolphin

3. The longest lived whale is {A; B; C; D}.

tA. he bowhead whale

B. hector’s dolphin

C. the sperm whale

D. the blue whale

4. The brain of a sperm whale can be {A; B; C; D} than a human one.

A. over 3 times heavier

B. over 4 times heavier

C. over 5 times heavier

D. over 6 times heavier

5. Usually adult male blue whales are {A; B; C; D}  than female ones.

A. much longer

B. much shorter

C. the same

D. much heavier"

“Mum, can we go to McDonald’s, please?”

Some people might ask, “Where would we be today if we did not have fast food?” and “Where would parents take their children out to eat?’

It has been reported that approximately 30% of meals consumed by families in the USA are eaten at one of the big chains like Burger King and Taco Bell, though probably none is more famous than McDonald’s. The distinctive “golden arch” can now be seen in most major cities in the world. In 2002, McDonalds had approximately 25,000 restaurants in over 120 countries and served 29 million people a day.

Apparently, the secret of their success is a marketing strategy of “think global, act local”. McDonald’s learnt that if they adapted their “Mac” meals to different cultures, it was more successful than having a standardized set of products that taste the same everywhere. So now, around 80% of McDonald’s restaurants are franchised to local people who serve food with a “local” flavor. For example, in Hong Kong, food called “Shake Shake Fries” and “Red Bean Sunday” can be found on the menu, while in Switzerland, “Vegi Macs” are served.

However, fast food is not popular with everyone. It is often called “junk” food because it is said to be unhealthy and full of fat. Furthermore, many people claim that fast food chains produce enormous amounts of waste, while millions of people in developing countries go hungry. At the same time, more and more people no longer cook fresh food at home. “Convenience” food is just too convenient! It is so easy for people with busy working lives to call into their local branch of Marks and Spencer, or some other supermarket chain, to buy ready-made meals on their way home from work. It is even easier to buy a “take-away” from a local restaurant or pick up the phone and order a pizza to be delivered to your home.


1.The secret of fast food chains’ success is {A; B; C; D}.

A.franchising to local people

B.having a standardized set of products

C.the marketing strategy of “think global, act local”

D.having a lot of restaurants covering many countries

2.We can learn from the passage that {A; B; C; D}.

A.around one-third of American families eat at one of the big chains

B.there were about 25,000 McDonald’s Restaurants in the USA in 2002

C.in 2002, McDonald’s served 29 million people a day in Europe

D.the percentage of families eating at McDonald’s is higher in the UK than in the USA

3.All the following are correct except that {A; B; C; D}.

A.most children like going to McDonald’s

B.most countries have different kinds of McDonald’s meals

C.about 20% of McDonald’s restaurants are not franchised

D.the “Shake Shake Fries” can be found both in Hong Kong and in Switzerland

4.Which of the following is not the reason for more and more people preferring fast food to cooking at home?  {A; B; C; D}.

A.Because they are more convenient

B.It’s easy for people to buy a “take-away” on their way home

C.People can pick up a phone and order what they want to be delivered to their home

D.It is cheaper to buy fast food than to cook at home

5.People call fast food “junk food” because  {A; B; C; D}.

A.they are too convenient

B.they are said to be unhealthy and full of fat

C.they are popular among children

D.they produce much waste"
"题目:WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, HORNS REV, Denmark: In the lead up to the Earth Summit in Johannesburg in August, the Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior, today began the first part of a global journey to support the development of renewable energy around the world.

Offshore wind in the North Sea alone can produce nearly twice the electricity needs of the North Sea countries. Using only 20% of that would supply one-third of these countries’ electricity. Greenpeace are going to challenge governments and industry to make this happen.

The Rainbow Warrior sailed today to Horns Rev, the world’s largest offshore wind park, which is being built off the coast of Denmark. Another Greenpeace ship, the Arctic Sunrise, will begin the second part of the global tour in Southeast Asia next month.

“During these weeks, Greenpeace will be conducting this global tour with two ships to show that renewable energy is ready and able to replace dirty coal, oil, gas and nuclear power – not only in the future, but today”, said a Greenpeace spokesperson.

Wind energy is reported to be competitive with coal and gas power generation and clearly beats costly nuclear power. The UK government’s energy review claimed that wind energy will be the cheapest energy source by 2020.

Next month, the Arctic Sunrise will be visiting the Philippines and Thailand, where communities are rejecting dirty, old-fashioned energy technology like coal-fired power stations and demanding clean, renewable energy.

1.The purpose of the global tour was{A; B; C; D}.

A.to produce electricity needs of the North Sea countries

B.to support the development of renewable energy around the world

C.to visit the Philippines and Thailand

D.to produce clear and fashioned energy

2.The destination of the ship, the Rainbow Warrior was {A; B; C; D}.


B.the Philippines


D.Horns Rev

3.According to the passage,{A; B; C; D}will be the cheapest form of energy by 2020.

A.wind energy

B.nuclear power

C.coal-fired power

D.solar energy

4.The power produced by the offshore wind in the North Sea can be {A; B; C; D}.

A.one-third of the electricity needs of the North Sea countries

B.20% of the electricity needs of the North Sea countries

C.nearly twice the electricity needs of the North Sea countries

D.exactly the same amount of the electricity needs of the North Sea countries

5.We can infer from this passage that {A; B; C; D}.

A.offshore wind in the North Sea has already produced enough electricity for the North Sea countries

B.the purpose of the Greenpeace ship is to transport renewable energy

C.nuclear power is the cheapest power at present

D.Greenpeace have more than one ship"

The Internet’s ability to connect a wide range of cultures encourages variety. However, for the time being, English dominates online because from the start it was the lingua franca of cyberspace. Will this always be the case?

Currently about 70% of Internet is in English, but only about 44% of Internet users are native English speakers. Worldwide, native Spanish speakers outnumber native speakers of English online, and the number of native Chinese speakers is greater than both those groups put together.

Statistics show that the situation is changing. For instance, three years ago 75% of web pages were in English, but that number has dropped to 50% today.

Furthermore, Internet use among non-native speakers of English is growing at a faster rate than that of native English speakers. By 2003, the number of native English-speaking web users will have dropped to 29%, according to one estimate.

As a result, some researchers say that the early predominance of English is going to decline. They say that English will keep a special role in connecting communities whose native languages are different, but in about 20 years’ time, Spanish, French, Arabic and Chinese will also have taken on this connecting role.

If this is true, then monolingual native English speakers may be more likely to learn another language and also become bilingual, or even multilingual.

1. English became the dominant Internet language because {A; B; C; D}.

A. it is spoken in cyberspace

B. from the start it was the lingua franca of cyberspace

C. all the Internet content is in English

D. it’s most convenient for people to use English online

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?{A; B; C; D}

A. Over half of Internet content is in English.

B. Less than half of Internet users have English as their first language.

C. More than half of Internet users are native English speakers.

D. There are more native Spanish speakers than native English speakers online.

3.The number of English web pages has{A; B; C; D}in the recent 3 years.

A. risen

B. dropped

C. not changed

D. changed only a little

4.{A; B; C; D}is NOT mentioned in the passage to have the possibility to take on the connecting role of English.

A. Spanish

B. French

C. hinese

D. Japanese

5.According to this passage, which of the following statements is true about the future of English?{A; B; C; D}

A. The number of native English-speaking web users will rise in the near future.

B. The early predominance of English is not going to decline in the near future.

C. English will keep a special role in connecting communities whose native languages are different.

D. English is going to dominate the world forever, although there are many big languages."

"题目: He offered to help us with our work.
: 他主动提出帮助我们工作。
; 他决定帮助我们,和我们一起工作。
; 他提出为我们工作。"
"题目:A characteristic of American culture is to respect the self-made man— the man who has made it through his own efforts.
: 美国文化尊重那些通过自己努力成功的人。
; 美国文化的一个特征是尊重自我成就者,是那些通过自己努力成就自己的人。
; 美国文化的一个特点就是尊重自我奋斗者,即通过自身努力成功的人。"
"题目:Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas.
: 内战或地区冲突也会引发社会动荡不安,从而迫使人们逃离农村地区。
; 内战或地区冲突也带来分裂,人们只好离开农村地区。
; 内战和地区冲突会引起不安,所以人选择离开农村。"
"题目:Convenience food bought by young people is not good for them.
: 年轻人买方便食品,这对他们不好。
; 爱买方面食品的年轻人不好。
; 年轻人购买的方便食品不利于他们(的健康)。"
"题目:Every time you get some new idea, there _must_ be some people to say no.
: 每次你一得到新想法,就会有人反对。
; 每次你提出新点子,一定有人说不。
; 每次你提出一个新想法,总会有人反对。"
"题目:People must be educated to know how important this new technology is.
: 必须教育人们这种技术的重要性。
; 必须教给人们相关的知识,让他们知道这种新技术的重要性。
; 必须告诉人们这种技术很重要。"
"题目:Reporters can transmit images either through the Internet or through their mobile phones.
: 记者通过或联网或者移动电话来发射形象信号。
; 记者既可以通过互联网,也可以通过移动电话传送图像信息。
; 报道人员要么通过互联网,要么通过移动电话来传输形象。"
"题目:She went to bed early last night, so she should be up now.
: 她昨晚早早睡觉了,所以现在应该很高兴。
; 她昨晚早早上床了,所以现在很高兴。
; 她昨晚很早就睡了,所以现在应该起床了。"
"题目:Sixty million people living in rural areas are moving to cities every year.
: 每年有六千万居住在农村的人口移居到城市。
; 六百万生活在郊区的人每年移动到城市里。
; 六千万人口生活在郊区,每年都在向城市移动"
"题目:The TV programmes are not suitable for children since they are dominated by violence and crime.
: 由于这些电视节目充斥着暴力和犯罪,所以不适合小孩儿看。
; 因为电视节目里都是暴力和犯罪,所以不适合孩子看。
; 电视节目不适合孩子,是因为他们被暴力和犯罪所统治。"
"题目:The waste produced by fast-food chains is a problem.
: 快餐连锁店制造的垃圾是个问题。
; 快餐连锁店制造的废品是个问题。
; 快餐店浪费的食品是个问题。"
"题目:This growth, happening mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa, has dramatic consequences.
: 这种主要发生在东南亚和非洲的增长会带来戏剧性的结果。
; 这种引起很大变化的增长主要发生在东南亚和非洲。
;  这种增长主要发生在东南亚和非洲地区,有着巨大的影响。"

Two hundred years ago, it took several weeks for the news of the important Battle of Trafalgar to reach London. Nowadays, you can watch a terrorist attack as it happens anywhere in the world. The communications revolution means that we are constantly bombarded with instant news. This has great advantages, but it also raises important questions. Satellites have enabled immediate reporting worldwide. A reporter can send the news to a network like CBS News and within seconds it can be all over the world. They send electronic reports that go straight into the newspaper or onto the TV screen. Reporters can now also transmit images through their mobile phones. Consequently, live, “on-the-spot” reporting has become the norm and TV viewers can get a much better idea of what a natural disaster, a conflict or an interesting scientific discovery is like. In recent years, several changes have occurred in the ownership of news media. Networks owned by large companies and governments have become bigger and very powerful. These networks – such as BBC News 24 – are hungry for news and have huge audiences. However, there can only be a limited number of such networks and their ownership is a big issue. Some companies not only own TV and radio networks but newspaper groups as well. Who decides what news to publish and what sort of “spin” to put on it? Is it always objective? There are now “spin doctors” who manipulate the news, emphasising certain parts and not others – and as a result, much of it is not neutral. Therefore, the question of control of the media matters very much. In some cases, the media companies are more powerful than governments. They can even influence elections. So the question is – should they be controlled and if so, by whom?  操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 1. Immediate reporting has become possible all over the world because of  {A; B; C; D}. A. reporters   B. the use of news networks    C. the use of satellites      D. the communications revolution 2. {A; B; C; D}has become the norm. A. Electronic reports B. Instant news C. Live reporting D. Transmitting images through mobile phones 3. In what ways are media companies powerful? {A; B; C; D}. A. They can influence elections in some way B. Nowadays, the manipulation of news reports is possible C. They not only own TV and radio networks but newspaper groups as well D. All of the above. 4. According to the passage, the big issue is {A; B; C; D}. A. ownership of news networks B. that there can only be a limited number of such networks like BBC News 24 C. that networks owned by large companies and governments have become bigger and very powerful D. that the news reporting is manipulated by big companies 5. What can be inferred from this passage? {A; B; C; D}. A. The disadvantages of the communications revolution outweigh its advantages B. We should put the question of control of the media on the agenda C. The news reporting has always been objective D. A reporter can send news directly to the audiences all over the world

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