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国开电大开放英语2 Unit36 Review and Assessment答案









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"题目1:Peter _________________.

请听录音: 01.mp3
: finished work a long time ago
; is still working
; finished work a short time ago"

"题目2:You _________________.

请听录音: 02.mp3
: can’t smoke in the canteen, but can smoke in your office
; can’t smoke anywhere
; can’t smoke in your office, but can smoke in the canteen"

"题目3:The dog _________________.  

请听录音: 03.mp3
: only bit Mary
; bit both Mary and Peter
; only bit Peter"

"题目4:The chef _________________ when the speaker saw him.

请听录音: 04.mp3
: was going to make the pizza
; finished making the pizza
; was making the pizza"

"题目5:The speaker _________________.

请听录音: 05.mp3

: is giving information
; is asking a question
; is offering to do something"

"题目6:The speaker _________________.

请听录音: 06.mp3
: has a new job
; will probably get a new job
; wants a new job"

"题目7:Peter _________________.

请听录音: 07.mp3
: doesn’t usually drink beer
; doesn’t normally drink coffee
; usually drinks beer"

"题目8:The speaker has worked at the same place for _________________.

请听录音: 08.mp3
: 24 years
; 13 years
; 37 years"

"题目9:Sheila _________________.

请听录音: 09.mp3
: wants to marry that man
; wants Mary to marry that man
; wants to marry the speaker"

"题目10:The speaker _________________.

请听录音: 10.mp3
: and his wife both dislike coffee
; and his wife both like coffee
; doesn’t like coffee, but his wife does"

"题目11:Trevor and Fiona last met _________________.
: six years ago
; this month
; six months ago"

"题目12:They met at a friend’s _________________.
: 40th birthday party
; 14th birthday party
; wedding"

"题目13:Peter has been married _________________.
: four times before
; twice before
; three times before"

"题目14:Peter is marrying a woman _________________.
: on holiday from Turkey
; he met on holiday in Turkey
; who was at his party"

"题目15:Peter met her _________________.
: at work in a hotel
; in Turkey
; in Cambridge"

"题目16:Mandy has met _________________.
: Fiona
; neither Fiona nor Trevor
; Trevor"

"题目17:Trevor thinks Mandy _________________.
: is very patient
; is probably a bit shy
; is too fat"

"题目18:Mandy has her own _________________.
: house
; horse
; school"

"题目19:Mandy is _________________.
: short and dark
; short and slim
; tall and slim"

"题目20:Mandy and Peter _________________ when they will get married.
: haven’t decided yet and have no ideas about
; have decided
; haven’t decided yet but have an idea about"

"题目21:Fiona attended Peter’s _________________.
: first and second weddings
; first wedding
; second wedding"

"题目22:Andrew was _________________.
: Peter’s best man
; a policeman
; Peter’s father"

"题目23:In the accident _________________.
: a policeman was hurt
; nobody was hurt
; Peter was hurt"

"题目24:Everyone at the church thought the policeman had _________________.
: helped Peter
; arrested Peter
; broken his motorcycle"

"题目25:Jamie is probably Fiona’s _________________.
: boss
; husband
; son"

"题目26:1.I work in a shop, and I [[4]] be very polite to the customers.

2.You [[3]] smoke in the garage – it’s dangerous.

3.At work we are [[2]] have a tea break in the morning and afternoon.

4.It’s my sister’s birthday tomorrow – I [[5]] get her a card.

5.I’m a teacher, so I [[1]] wear a uniform at work.
; [[1]] -> {don’t have to / allowed to / mustn’t / have to / must}"

"题目27:He _________ me he was leaving on Wednesday.
: said
; tell
; told"

"题目28:_________! That fire is dangerous.
: Stop
; Stopping
; To stop"

"题目29: I’ve _________ been to Cairo, but I’d like to go.
: ever
; always
; never"

"题目30:You are a doctor, _________ you?
: is
; do
; aren’t"

"题目31:You _________ wear a uniform at my school; you can wear anything you like.
: mustn’t
; have to
; don’t have to"

"题目32:A_: _I don’t like coffee.

B_:_ _________ do I.
: And
; Neither
; So"

"题目33:She’s the person _________ runs the IT department.
: who
; what
; which"

"题目34:I can’t sit here; this chair is very _________ .
: discomfortable
; noncomfortable
; uncomfortable"

"题目35:If I had a lot of money, I _________ buy a boat.
: am
; will
; would"

"题目36:He’s lived there _________ 2001.
: since
; for
; ago"

"题目37:I’m very tired – I’ve _________ finished work.
: just
; yet
; ever"

"题目38:He _________ me if I knew the way to the station.
: said
; asked
; told"

"题目39:The photo _________ be of Paris – there’s the Eiffel Tower.
: can’t
; must
; could"

"题目40:That is the book _________ I told you about.
: X
; who
; where"

"题目41:China and Canada are _________ the same size.
: about
; under
; over"

"题目42:Mary has (1){A; B; C} returned to the USA after studying in England (2){A; B; C} three years. She decided to (3){A; B; C} at a British university rather than an American (4){A; B; C} because her mother is from England and she wanted to (5){A; B; C} to know her mother’s family better. She studied English Literature at Goldsmiths’ College, (6){A; B; C} is in London. She lived with her grandmother (7){A; B; C} she was studying. The college was (8){A; B; C} by a friend’s brother who had studied in England for (9){A; B; C} MBA. Mary told her friends that she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England (10) {A; B; C} much.

1. A. just        B. ever       C. already

2. A. at        B. since       C. for

3. A. studied     B. studying     C. study

4. A. one       B. it          C. X

5. A. getting     B. get        C. got

6. A. which      B. where        C. what

7. A. during      B. while       C. as

8. A. recommend       B. recommended       C. recommending

9. A. his       B. her        C. X

10. A. as        B. not        C. so"

"题目43:Sales of second-hand motorcycles have increased in Europe.
: Wrong.
; Right.
; Doesn’t say."

"题目44:People are probably buying motorcycles to use instead of cars in cities.
: Wrong.
; Right.
; Doesn’t say."

"题目45:Most of the new motorcycles sold in Europe are Italian.
: Wrong.
; Doesn’t say.
; Right."

"题目46:The British government is passing laws to help motorcycle riders.
: Wrong.
; Right.
; Doesn’t say."

"题目47:In all European countries you have to wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle.
: Doesn’t say.
; Right.
; Wrong."

"题目48:If Mike lived on a desert island, he wouldn’t be ( ).
: bored
; lonely
; bored or lonely"

"题目49:Mike thinks he would ( ).
: have too much free time
; have enough time to write a novel
; not have enough time to work"

"题目50:Mike ( ).
: wants to learn how to be a gardener
; works as a gardener
; likes gardening"

"题目51:Mike ( ).
: would remember how to fish
; hasn’t fished before
; wants to learn how to fish"

"题目52:Mike would ( ).
: miss his family and friends but not his television or car
; miss his television and car but not his friends or family
; miss his family, friends, television and car"

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